| | August 20165CIOReview202036Dynamic QuestSenecaGlobal2440Enterprise IntegrationStratosphere Networks3046KNOWARTH TechnologiesTopologe321638414450Technology Enabled Business TransformationThe Single-source Managed IT ExpertsIT as a Value Generating Platform for the EnterpriseDiligent Planning, Right Strategy in Big Data Projects ­ Key for SuccessLeveraging Innovationsin TechnologyTechnological Expertise and Interpersonal Skills: Keys to Success of IT EnterpreneurGuy Daniello, Founder & CEO, Peloton GroupDarrin Gonchar, President, CATS Technology Solutions GroupJohn Cupit, CTO, Cloud and DC Transformation-Global Solution Expert Team, America Branch, Huawei Technologies USA, Inc.21Managing Risk at Layer 8Andrea Di Fabio, CISO, Norfolk State UniversityChuck Rehberg, CTO, Trigent Software IncJim Deren, Director of IT planning, CareTech SolutionsJoseph Leo, President, Def MethodCompany of the MonthEntrepreneur of the monthCXO INSIGHTS*All Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staff
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