| | August 20164CIOReview18282534Will Today's Transformational CIOs Become Future CEOs?No Silver Bullet for SecurityChecking the Pulse of Cloud Based Services: Rethinking Definitions and Future BenefitsCloud Computing: The Game ChangerHow CIOs Can Power a More Effective WorkplaceNeil Jarvis, CIO, Fujitsu AmericaSam Schoelen, CSO/CITO, Continental ResourcesDr. Mark Zecca, CIO, KyribaMark Horbal, CIO & CTO, SpringBIGBob Bruns, CIO, AvanadeCIO INSIGHTS10 COVER STORYIN MY OPINION08CONTENTS47How to be Smart about the CloudAlexey Makarov, CEO, Qulix SystemsCEO INSIGHTSTachTechFostering a Frictionless IT Environment Kyle Rosenthal, Founder & CEOSteve O'Rourke, Account ExecutiveCliff Romig, Account Executive
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