| | August 20166CIOReviewThe rapid advances in technology is creating new competitive paradigm for companies across the industries, in turn driving a huge demand for IT services. This demand today is characterized by 'specialization,' where the needs of one sector vary drastically from the other. Many players, large and small are developing deep expertise of a sector's operations, regulations and challenges, to formulate technology solutions optimized to meet customers' needs. While the mantra for success in this highly competitive field depends on innovative services, effective marketing and technical expertise, the overall growth is fuelled by the spending health of the economy. In a highly fragmented IT Services market in the U.S. almost 40 percent of the revenue is generarted by 50 largest companies. These companies have advantages in broad service offerings and global reach, which give them the ability to provide outsourcing services to big corporate customers. Small companies, on the other hand is effectively specializing in niche areas, raking in dollars.Globally, the wide information technology market is expected to reach 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016, with IT services spending representing more than a quarter of the total market. In 2015 alone, spending on IT services amounted to around $866 billion worldwide. In terms of market growth, IT services is advancing steadily, second only to the growth of enterprise software spending. This spending, year on year, is expected to increase at the rate of around 4 percent, lasting until at least 2020. The advances in cloud computing--a huge segment of IT services--will be a major driver here.In this scenario, our aim with this special edition is to help you find the best of breed IT Services partners that can support and augment your enterprise growth strategies. This edition blends thought leadership from industry experts with stories on what selected providers are doing for their clients.Let us know your thoughts.Jeevan George Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comEditorialThe New Competitive ParadigmCopyright © 2016 ValleyMedia,Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewAUGUST - 18 - 2016Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 AUGUST - 18 - 2016, Vol 05 SE 63 Published by ValleyMedia,Inc To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit www.cioreview.com IT Services SpecialCIOReviewEditorial StaffSalesT:510. 565. 7627VisualizersStephen ThomasAjay K DasManaging EditorJeevan GeorgeAlex D'SouzaBrian JacksonJoe Philip Kyle SummersDerek JamesBenny Thomasbenny@cioreview.comJerry Lynnjerry@cioreview.comLawrence Tselawrence@cioreview.comMichael Adammichael.adam@cioreview.com
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