| |NOVEMBER 20236CIOReviewLatin America acknowledges the imperative for fostering synergy between the public and private sectors to bolster a secure digital future. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) represent the foundation for nurturing collaborative efforts within the cybersecurity domain, capitalizing on the inherent strengths of both sectors to tackle multifaceted challenges. The role of the public sector encompasses the enactment of legislation that incentivizes robust cybersecurity practices. The private sector, comprising businesses and technology enterprises, enriches the digital landscape's safety by actively sharing threat intelligence and making substantial investments in cybersecurity measures.PPPs can take many forms, including information sharing, joint ventures, co-investment and innovation, and harmonizing regulatory frameworks. By harnessing the potential of such partnerships, Latin America stands poised to construct a resilient cybersecurity ecosystem that ensures equitable access to the advantages of the digital era and also effectively mitigates associated risks.In this edition of CIOReview, we present leading enterprise security solutions providers in Latin America. Our featured companies, namely Dfense Security is dedicated in reshaping the digital security landscape on a global scale. Its core mission revolves around the constant pursuit of identifying and addressing emerging challenges and issues in the realm of cybersecurity. The magazine also highlights insights from Tonon Leandro, the global vice president of technology at Pronaca, and Roger Temple, information security manager at PGG Wrightson. They discuss the growing cybersecurity threats in the region, as well as the increased use of technology. These factors have catapulted enterprise security to the forefront of concerns for businesses across Latin America.We hope these valuable insights from industry leaders featured in this edition will assist you in making informed decisions for your businesses.Let us know your thoughts.EditorialCybersecurity in Latin America: Public-Private SynergyCopyright © 2023 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher November - 20 - 2023, Vol 12, Issue - 91 (ISSN 2644-237X) Published by ValleyMedia, Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit CIOReviewEditorial StaffAaron PierceRussell Thomas Carolynn WaltersDean WinchesterShirley FaithYenny TurnerVisualizersAsher BlakeJustin Smith Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comManaging EditorJustin SmithDisclaimer: *Some of the Insights are based on our interviews with CIOs and CXOs
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