LAST WORDCXO INSIGHTSTeijo Peltoniemi, Director, Digital Transformation and Cyber Security, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance CompanyMYTH BUSTED: PEOPLE AREN'T THE WEAKEST LINK IN CYBER SECURITY26CYBER RESILIENCE ­ BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING!Paulo Moniz, Director, Information Security and IT Risk,EDP2830Roger Temple, Information Security Manager, PGG WrightsonTIME FOR A CHANGE OF APPROACHPaulo Yukio Watanabe, Head Security Information and Data Privacy, YpeMAKING INFORMATION SECURITY A STRATEGIC PRIORITY IN COMPANIES16Daniel A. Manrique, Head of Information Security, Mercantil AndinaSTATE OF THE ART AND TRENDS IN CYBERSECURITY 20Anderson Vicente de Oliveira,Head of Information Security, HS PreventAMBIDEXTROUS LEADERSHIP IN IT AND CYBERSECURITY: BALANCING INNOVATION AND STABILITY22Cristiano Adjuto Campos, Cyber Security Director, B3ENHANCING CYBERSECURITYFOR FINTECH24Octavio Flores, CEOTrustDimension29Mariana Cervantes, VP, MarketingMAXIMAGE DQM Software2310 MOST PROMISINGSOLUTIONS PROVIDERS IN LATIN AMERICA - 2023ENTERPRISE SECURITYFernando Correa, Founder & CEO27securityfirst
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