| | AUGUST 20205CIOReview24282630In The E-Commerce Environment, Change Is The Only Constant.Michael Gillespie, Group Chief Digital and Technology Officer, Domino's Pizza Enterprises Limited [ASX: DMP]Texting Your Way to Online-Retail Store ConnectionsAngela Hsu, SVP, Marketing and eCommerce, Lamps PlusPayments to Drive Ecommerce in Emerging CountriesManish Bhatia, CTO, Amazon Pay, [NASDAQ: AMZN]Customize and Communicate-Two Key Element to Success for RetailersCharlie Cole, Chief Digital Officer, VP, TUMICXO INSIGHTSLAST WORDPg 16 - 1708 IN MY OPINIONMoving to a Software Defined FrameworkRathi Murthy, CTO, Gap Inc. [NYSE: GPS]10 MOST PROMISING SOLUTION PROVIDERS - 2020CPG 10 MOST PROMISING CONSULTING/SERVICE COMPANIES - 2020CPG
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