| | SEPTEMBER 20206CIOReviewWith its state-of-the-art infrastructure and hyper-connected services, the United Arab Emirates is an emerging technology power. As a nation that is comprised heavily of expatriates, the UAE benefits from the skilled talent that has come from more technologically advanced markets. The entirety of Europe, as well as Russia, China, and the US, have seen huge investment and growth in digitized, data-driven technologies. Not only can the UAE look to these markets as an opportunity to improve upon, but also overtake them when it comes to innovation and advancement. Evidently, being a latecomer to technology and the Digital Revolution, the UAE is adopting a foolproof strategy where both governments and corporations are taking DT projects and cutting-edge technology to new levels. On 14th March, the UAE TRA announced the unblocking of Microsoft Teams and Zoom VoIP applications to enable remote working and homeschooling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite being a temporary measure, it has helped minimize the disruption to businesses and even created opportunities for some to shift the delivery of their services to online platforms, instead of having to suspend them indefinitely.Technology will reinforce the UAE's position as a hub of research and innovation, as the Gulf country looks set to march on and become a serious player on the technological stage. To help stakeholders looking for solutions to increase their efficiency during these uncertain times, CIOReview's editorial team has come up with this innovative edition on UAE Tech. Leaf through the magazine and let us know your thoughts!EditorialUAE's Early Embrace of Modern TechnologyCopyright © 2020 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewContact September - 02, 2020, Vol 09, Issue - 57 (ISSN 2644-237X) Published by ValleyMedia, Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit CIOReviewEditorial StaffAaron PierceCarolynn WaltersShirley FaithRussell ThomasVisualizersIssac GeorgeScott Juasy*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffJustin Smith Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comManaging EditorJustin SmithSalesStephen Dean Winchester
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