| | SEPTEMBER 20198CIOReviewIn case you have not yet heard it from every IT vendor, every non-IT vendor, neighbor, friend and analyst, we are in the age of the digital transformation. This age means that we do mobile first (or mobile only?), everything is software-defined, 40% of the Fortune 100 will fail in the next five years or six months or something like that, IT (including the CIO) will soon report to a Chief Digital Officerthe new CDO will be 23 years old but with deep experience with tech blogging. And, in case you have not yet heard, everything is now different and the new normal is that there is no normal.All right, I am being a bit factitious about the hype around the digital transformation. That said, things really are different. Technology has and is changing the world. Everything moves at the pace of technology innovation and that pace is break-neck. Many of us (at least those not yet reporting to the new 23 year old CDO) are driving organizational innovation and so have a sense of the changes taking place. Advances in technology generate new advances in technology which generates new advances in technology and so on. With all that is changing, it is easy for us to forget about the basics of ITthe blocking and tackling that ensure that we deliver operational excellence. For AND ITSMBy Niel Nickolaisen, CTO, O.C. TannerDIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONIN MYOPINION
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