CIOReview | | 19 OCTOBER 2023limited staff when deemed safe by local authorities, Global Payments Gaming Solutions helped deliver the same services they were providing pre-COVID. The solution provides players with the ability to seamlessly track, manage, and control their spending, digitally. Products such as VIP Mobility allowed players to effectively self-service, including obtain money, play, withdraw money, or send it back to the bank account. It also helped the limited workforce to satisfy more customers. "It was a very rapid installation without a tremendous amount of IT overhead," says Justice.Creating a Responsible Gaming EnvironmentWhile driving modernization on the casino floor, Global Payments Gaming Solutions also focuses its attention squarely on supporting responsible gaming initiatives to ensure the cashless gaming experience is one in which players participate safely, without creating issues for other guests or the operator. Global Payments Gaming Solutions' agile framework is a vital differentiator that helps casinos and other gaming establishments seamlessly bring changes to improve the lives of the casino guests and operators. In the future, providing multitasking abilities to the guests in casino gaming space is an area of focus for the company. "We are integrating the ecosystem to a point where you can set a blackjack table in the casino while placing your sports-bet, and playing an online slot," Justice says. We leverage our expertise to deliver one of the biggest innovations to hit the gaming market in 20 years"As a part of one of the world's best payments technology companies, we leverage our expertise to deliver one of the biggest innovations to hit the gaming market in 20 years," Justice says. "We spent a lot of time up-front looking at the industry rules and regulations in the gaming space as well as the rules and regulations in the payment space. This helped us craft an effective solution that is system agnostic and interoperable with their infrastructure."For one of its clients, Downstream Casino Resort, who reopened with
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