| | OCTOBER 20215CIOReviewI n f o c u s10DRONES AND DATA: DESIGNING A FRAMEWORK TO MAXIMIZE INNOVATIONJason Diamond, North American Community of Practice Lead for UAVs, ArcadisLAST WORDCXO INSIGHTSFUELING AN ANALYTICS-DRIVEN CULTURE ACROSS THE ENTERPRISEMeenal Iyer, Sr. Director, Enterprise Analytics and Data, Tailored Brands30PG 16 - 24AN OVERVIEW OF DATA INTEGRATION AND ANALYTICSAshok Dhiman, Director, Enterprise Customer Experience and Data Integration, The Hartford27THE SEVEN DIMENSIONS OF DATA GOVERNANCERajan Chandras, Director Data Architecture and Strategy, NYU Langone Health2528 DATA ANALYTICS, MACHINE LEARNING WILL POWER AN ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT EVOLUTIONAref Matin, EVP & CTO, Wiley 10 MOST PROMISING ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENTSOLUTION PROVIDERS - 202120
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