| | NOVEMBER 20216CIOReviewWhat is our ideal future? Is it flying cars, or is it AI-powered robots in the streets? For procurement professionals, the future isn't much sci-fi as it is about streamlining and simplifying their workflow. Although source-to-contract and procure-to-pay platforms have removed all chinks in procurement processes and streamlined the purchasing of goods and services, we are yet to witness the full potential of procurement technologies, what with emerging technologies like AI and cloud coming into the picture.Cloud, specifically, is playing a crucial role in prodding procurement processes into the future. The technology, when combined with procurement software solutions, can not only eliminate inefficiencies but also streamline the entire lifecycle of procurement processes. It will also allow procurement professionals to access functionalities from any devices, no matter their location, allowing for more flexible operations. While the current packaged procurement tools have stood disconnected from other procure-to-pay platforms, cloud will enable end-to-end integration of all solutions in one place, bringing greater visibility and ease-of-use.While such developments are making their way into the procurement space, the only question is whether organization are ready to embrace the future. In this edition of CIOReview, we bring you the story of some of the most promising procurement solution providers that deliver the best outcomes for their clients. This edition also offers a combination of thought leadership articles from subject matter experts and exclusive insights from CIOs and CXOs. We hope this edition will provide you with the right assistance in choosing the best procurement providers according to your requirements.Let us know your thoughts!EditorialCloud Will Foster Ease and Simplicity into ProcurementCopyright © 2021 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher November - 15 - 2021, Vol 10, Issue - 65 (ISSN 2644-237X) Published by ValleyMedia, Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit CIOReviewVisualizersIssac GeorgeJaxon Jase*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffJustin Smith Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comManaging EditorJustin SmithSalesStephen Editorial StaffAaron PierceCarolynn WaltersShirley FaithRussell ThomasDean Winchester
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