| | NOVEMBER 20206CIOReviewWith the growing propensity of businesses toward digitalization and automating processes, the demand for professional services automation (PSA) is seeing a surge in demand. The global PSA market is forecasted to reach USD 1244 million by 2022 at a CAGR of 11.7 percent. Moreover, increasing adoption of PSA by several industry verticals such as audit and accountancy, media and entertainment, healthcare and life sciences, and legal services are boosting market growth. Of the two major deployment models of PSA--cloud and on-premise--cloud-based services are gaining popularity, especially among small and medium sized companies. This is due to the numerous benefits of cloud-based PSA in terms of flexibility, disaster recovery, increased collaboration, and reduced infrastructure development costs. The specialists can help organizations manage the complexity inherent with technology and solve business challenges through the integration of systems. In addition, cloud-based PSA solutions offer subscription-based pricing and flexible deployment options. Finally, the rising inclusion of smartphones, tablets, and other devices into the internal networks of companies is leading to the development of the PSA mobile application segment. In this edition of CIO Review, we bring you the story of some of the most successful PSAservice providers that deliver the best outcomes for their clients. This edition also offers a combination of thought leadership from subject matter experts with real-life stories on fostering robust partnerships and exclusive insights from CIOs and CXOs. We hope this edition will provide you with the right assistance in choosing the PSAservice providers according to your requirements.Let us know your thoughts!EditorialThe Surging Demand for Standardized Business Processes CIOReviewContact November - 04 - 2020, Vol 09, Issue - 80 (ISSN 2644-237X) Published by ValleyMedia, Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit CIOReviewEditorial StaffAaron PierceCarolynn WaltersDean WinchesterJune Williams Shirley FaithRussell ThomasVisualizersIssac GeorgeJohn GothamJustin Smith Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comManaging EditorJustin SmithSalesStephen Copyright © 2020 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staff
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