| | November 20156CIOReviewCopyright © 2015 CIOReview, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewNOVEMBER 3 - 2015Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 NOVEMBER - 3 2015, Volume 4 SE-88 Published by CIOReview To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit Managing EditorJeevan GeorgeEditorial StaffSalesAlex D' SouzaDerek JamesJoe PhilipSandeepa MajumdarAvinash PalyamFrank NoelJudy Christie Sonia SacharT:510.556.2400 VisualizersRanjithPeter SamuelCloud SpecialCIOReviewGeorge.Ngeorge.n@cioreview.comLawrencelawrence@cioreview.comCarolcarol@cioreview.comCloud computing is constantly evolving and is now a mission critical part of an enterprise. The growing prevalence of cloud is drastically altering the way enterprises do business and conduct their daily lives. These companies embrace cloud computing to keep their sensitive business information easily accessible and secure them from potential threat. It also has a great potential for crunching big data, which is critical to stay ahead of competition. Additionally, firms are on a mission to keep pace with their users to implement policies to safeguard security. The recent issue of data breaches and the sophistication of disclosures and malware has become a key concern for enterprises globally. Businesses need to encrypt their cloud data to avoid unauthorized access. In order to achieve this, companies are keen to explore new approaches in cloud implementation to reduce privacy risk and ensure legal compliance. Apart from security concerns, vendors today are focused on offering solutions for automating time-intensive IT tasks, making it easier to deploy applications on diverse platforms.Though cloud computing has opened up new opportunities for many companies in IT, it still lacks service governance, service provisioning and security. As customers become a disruptive factor in the cloud computing world today, cloud service providers are pressurized to improve the customer experience and search for innovative means to empower client tools. It is up to the companies to link the connections between the customers and the businesses to accelerate revenue. Embracing these changes, the cloud will now transition into the `new place to begin' and will focus more on digital transformation than technology. Experts note that applications will naturally shift towards a cloud model, as they become electronically available and span multiple devices. To enable CIOs to curb the burning challenges of the cloud space today to make right decisions for your organization, we present to you a special edition on Cloud. In this edition, we feature `The 20 Most Promising Cloud Solution Providers', listing the best vendors and consultants who provide key technology solutions and services related to the cloud. We hope this information will help you optimize your technology investments and deploy new capabilities. Jeevan George Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comA Transition to Digital TransformationEditorial
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