| | MAY 20218CIOReviewPublic safety and criminal justice are jetting through an unprecedented age of data collection and data availability. We have been quick to collect data, often without a clear strategy on how to use it. Shifting focus to proactive use of data and continuous improvement can lead to productive change.Law enforcement is primed for a meaningful deployment of insightful technologies to manage the issues that influence multiple critical operational areas. This article explores some possible applications of data and system integration. Some of these concepts already exist, while others require a redeployment of existing technology or new development. Thought exercises such as these will help agencies understand what they are collecting, why they are collecting, and what they are doing with the data collected.Visual ManagementMany management methodologies use a tool called visual management.Visual management is a way to characterize quickly and visually a group's pursuit of a goal or work outcome. At its most basic, the effort involves a display space, a stated goal or expectation, and a color code for performance. For example, a neighborhood safety program may have a goal of having four meetings a day with community groups and businesses. If the goal is missed, the reason is explored and, if possible, corrected so it does not influence a future day's performance.Dashboards can also be useful visual management tools. Regularly reporting on metrics or certain datasets in a visual manner can provide accessible insights on entity operations and issue trends. Currently, several states and a vast number of private companies use visual management on a daily basis to find what is working and what is not.Citizen ReportingA citizen wishing to report vandalism, a theft from the exterior of a residence, a non-injury vehicle collision or similar IN MY OPINIONENVISIONING THE FUTURE:A THOUGHT EXERCISE ON THE FUTURE USE OF DATA IN LAW ENFORCEMENTBy Don Arp , Executive Director - Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice at State of NebraskaDon Arp
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