| | May 20198CIOReviewERP is dead -long live ERP! Focus is the key of any strategy. When you focus you concentrate your resources on things that matter. Focus will not work alone. The amygdala is what we humans rely on when we do things that don't bring us any additional value but are required for us to function. The more we shift toward automatic behavior the more time we free up to concentrate on things that makes us unique. ERP is still the best tool for optimization of non-differentiating processes and SAP is the king. We ran away from the best-of-breed approach of the 80-90ies for a good reason. There is no silver bullet and it's still hard to integrate software packages from different vendors. You shouldn't be fighting or postponing SAP ­ you should embrace it, make it your company digital core, and craft its scope to deliver your 80% of business capabilities as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Why should we consider Scrum?Scrum is arguably the best delivery methodology for any project including HOW TO DELIVER SAP IN HALF THE TIME AND AT HALF THE COSTS.By Dmitriy Gerzon, Director, SAP ArchitectDmitriy GerzonIN MYOPINION
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