| | May 20184CIOReviewCONTENTSIN MY OPINION25AI and Language Automation: Opportunity or Calamity for Localization Services Providers?Leveraging Technology to Meet New Hospitality and Gaming TrendsMobile Marketing and the Evolution of E-commerceMaking Data Visualization as part of your BI strategyThe Changing face ofthe Entertainment IndustryFive Things I Wish Marketing Technology Vendors UnderstoodStephan Lins,CEO, MediaLocate1721293234Les Ottolenghi, EVP and CIO, Caesars Entertainment08CXO INSIGHTSMarlon Ortiz, VP of IT, American Casino and Entertainment PropertiesMarissa Tarleton, CMO, RetailMeNot, Inc.Oliver Gomes, Director, Business Intelligence, Condé NastStephen Fridakis, Chief Information Security Officer, HBOStacey Sayer, Global Head, Social & Digital Media, Advanced EnergyService DrivenTechnology
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