| | March 20186CIOReviewCopyright © 2018 ValleyMedia Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewMARCH - 7 - 2018Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 MARCH - 7 - 2018, Vol 07 SE 07 Published by ValleyMedia Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit PHYSICAL SECURITY TECHNOLOGY SPECIALCIOReviewEditorial StaffSalesT: 510-565-7627Carolynn WaltersJoe PhilipShirley FaithMerlin WatsonSam EricssonVishnu V SanthoshCatherine Paulcatherine@cioreview.comVisualizersAsher BlakeSudhin ThomasManaging EditorJeevan George*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffUntouched by the veils of digital transformation for a long time, the physical security domain is gradually entering the realms of digitization and automation. For years together, only the intangible entities of businesses, such as the files and folders residing on a network enjoyed the benefits of technology innovation like user behavior analysis, deep machine learning, and advanced endpoint security protocols. The tables have turned; the attention has now turned to where security should ideally begin--at the physical level. More importantly, the importance of communication between IT and physical security is making it to the top of the agenda for many large enterprises in an effort to ensure their cybersecurity strategies are consistent across the entire network.Communication will see newer definitions this year, where the market will not stop at identifying the interplay between the digital and the physical worlds but will go a step further and introduce strategic relationships between integrators and end-users. Holistic solutions that handle everything from access control, video surveillance, perimeter intrusion detection, physical security information management, screening and scanning, and the safety and security of devices have already started to make their rounds in the market.When it comes to the discrete trends in physical security, the need for reliability, scalability, and performance of monitoring devices will witness the rapid acceptance of the cloud for storage and retention purposes. Also, automation of compliance will be hardwired into these security systems to reduce exposure to litigation and brand damage, in cases where device functioning and data loss are questioned.In all, the year looks bright and full of action items for CISOs and CIOs alike. In this edition of CIOReview, we present you a curated list of physical security solution providers along with insights from some of the leaders in the tech world.We hope this edition will add value to your business strategies. Let us know your thoughts.Jeevan George Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comEditorialThe Year for Integration
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