| | March 20189CIOReviewincreased organizational efficiency, closed coordination gaps, provided better visibility, and enhanced overall resilience.By being a 325 old institution, we learned that a strong Group Strategy should be continuously adapting to new challenges and be supported by strong implementation. Large organizations are composed of employees, stakeholders, physical locations, technology infrastructure, third-party providers, etc. However, institutional changes affect an organization by directly impacting two or more and indirectly all of these components. For this reason, in order to effectively implement a strategy in a large organization, the organization should account for often disjointed nature of the technology infrastructure, locations, and diverse employees on business units within the organization, and have a holistic approach to better implement and adapt to changes.It is time to adopt institutional changes that both fit technology and business units. By embracing operational changes, new technology will be able to innovate across the organization and reduce communication gaps between technical and non-technical employees.Meeting the Needs of an EnterpriseTeams should have their focus on creating a comprehensive and robust technology strategy that takes into account the company's specific infrastructure, talent pool, and security risks it faces. The strategy is not about innovating as fast as possible, but rather to always innovate while remaining secure. This strategy should also include effective recovery and business continuity strategies in the case of a data breach or security incident. The strategy should support the overall business objectives. Many companies find it a better investment to fund preventative measures rather than attempt to recover losses.Security and IT teams shall not be the only teams that are aware of how the technology that enables their business works. Companies can help prevent inefficiencies and cybersecurity incidents by raising awareness in addition to educating employees on the company's technology strategy. Companies should also organize regular trainings to keep employees knowledgeable, vigilant, and invested in the company's technology, and provide employees a platform through which to voice their concerns and questions. In the same vein, businesses should not look at cybersecurity as a separate technology entity, but should seek to integrate it into business operations and the company's risk management framework.In today's industry, there is a greater need for secure technology. Therefore, IT and security teams should not only have to focus on software, but rather-secure software. In today's industry, there is a greater need for secure technology. Therefore, IT and security teams should not only have to focus on software, but rather-secure software
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