8CIOReview | | JUNE 2021IN MY OPINIONBy Douglas Duncan, Vice President ­ Chief Information Officer, Columbia Insurance GroupPROJECT MANAGEMENT IS DEAD...LONG LIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT!What is the success rate of technology projects in the U.S.? The world? If you google that question, you will get more than a half-billion results. The numbers vary, but many of the studies/surveys indicate most projects fail, and that "waterfall" projects fail more often than do "agile". Is the project approach to accomplishing business goals outdated? Do the economic, social, and technical challenges of today preclude the success of our traditional tools and methods?I will jump ahead to the conclusion and firmly say the answer is NOT to abandon the project management approach. Three key observations support this view: project management is akin to human nature, many projects should die, and nothing else works better.Project management is akin to human natureProject management did not start with Henry Gantt or the Apollo Program. It did not even begin with Douglas DuncanCIO INSIGHTS
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