| | JUNE 20195CIOReviewI n f o c u s100834 Enabling an Effective Workforcewith the Proper Enterprise Asset Management Solution19233129Enterprise Asset Management Do You Have What You Need?Changing the status quo ­ how data and technology are affecting asset managementBetter Performance Through Insight: How Technology Can Get You From 80/20 to 20/80Creating and Advancing a Service Culture through Information Technology Service ManagementDaniel M. Horton, CIO, Sallyport GlobalLynn Gibson, CTO, CHRISTUS HealthSteven Little BSc. (Hons) FRICS MIAM, WYG Group, Director ­ Surveying and Asset ManagementNick Fischer, Ex-Senior Vice President & CFO, BetteridgeCIO INSIGHTSCXO INSIGHTSIN MY OPINIONENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: A BRIDGE BETWEEN EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERSWendy R. White, Executive Director, MSA, ATC Healthcare Services, MidMichigan31Ginni Rometty, President & CEOTHE UNANIMOUSASSETMANAGEMENTCHOICE
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