| | June 20188CIOReviewWIN BIG OR BUST­ MAKING THE RIGHT BETS ON CORPORATE FINANCIAL SYSTEMSBy Michelle DeBella, Global Head of Internal Audit, UberAfter, spending a few days in Las Vegas, I am reminded how much having the right strategy is critical to one's success, or even satisfaction, in the casino. Game theory and odds appeal to my left-brain, and who doesn't love a big win? However, win or lose, I'm happy when I manage the full spectrum of outcomes with intention. That means before I sit down at the poker table and play a single hand, I have decided how much I am going to put in play, how long I want to play, how much I'm willing to lose, and what factors dictate when I get up and change tables or walk away for the night.Because I am financially risk-averse, I am never gambling more than the cost of a top-rated Las Vegas show, so I'm still going to be able to pay my mortgage. Gambling with your corporate financial systems is a bit more risky, and the price tag can be staggering, whether you're implementing one new system, or a complete IT transformation. As a user of financial systems in my controllership roles, and seeing both world-class practices and significant deficiencies in corporate financial systems in my roles as Chief Audit Executive, I can share a few tips and tricks to win big­or at least not bust.Let's talk about strategies for making the right bets in corporate financial systems.1. Simpler is better: I can think of very few examples incorporate financial systems where complexity is your friend. Simplicity means fewer systems, user-friendly features, and ease of communication with other applications and tools in your systems environment. Guide your finance team partners to simplicity and they will thank you when you have more time and resources for innovation and spend less time and dollars on IN MYPINION
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