| | July 20168CIOReviewInterconnecting Applications to Revolutionize Energy IndustryBy Jerry Sullivan, VP, IT & CIO, OUC, The Reliable OneThe energy industry is meeting an immense precipice with the advent of `Smart Grid' technology and all the information it generates. We have all this data and the overwhelming question is what to do with it? Beyond big data and smart algorithms is the holy-grail that IT people seek. The goal is to connect all the applications so that smart technology becomes brilliant technology. Smart technologies mean that, all our related applications are indeed interconnected and talking to the next application. This connectivity allows employees and our customers to utilize the interconnected applications intelligibly, informatively, and effectively.The historical challenge for the CIO has always been to deliver projects on time, on budget, and on schedule. That challenge is always there; however the new challenge is to connect these projects to form a brilliant technological smart grid infrastructure. So now there are two related challenges--project delivery into the IT/OT portfolio, and connecting these projects together.Utilities are traditional infrastructure companies, but are fast becoming technology dependent companies. Electric/water/gas grids that were built many decades ago still function. These grids still convey electricity, water, or gas efficiently and their pipes and wires are unquestionably reliable. Electric generating stations and water pumping stations are efficient, but it is their technology that keeps evolving. The revolution in our industry is to connect many applications with one another. It is from this connectivity, that Big Data, Smart Algorithms, and Data Analytics will be the next new challenge.In our electric and water utility, the connectivity benefits are just becoming a reality. We all use electricity and we all consume water. Everyone reading this interview will be affected by this beneficial connectivity in the Smart Grid of the future. It will be the Brilliant Grid.One doesn't need to understand the components of a utility grid to understand the benefits of being connected. We can simply look to our so called Smart Phone. Nearly everyone on the planet has seen or used these devices but does one really have a Smart Phone: if few if any of the applications (apps) really talk to one another? Even the smartest phones only attach a file or photo to an email, or check your contact info in your email, or spell check your document from your phone. We might have many apps on our phone, but how many are really connected to each other? One might ask, is it really necessary? The answer might be, not yet. It's because there isn't an apparent need for many of the apps to talk with other, for now. But one can imagine. But in an electric and water industry, the imagination is here, right now. Today, customers demand access to more information on electric and water. Unlike the Smart Phone, utility customers already realize the benefits of connectivity. For example, these applications can be connected to realize the benefits of a Smart Grid.1. Web 1. Full service web, 2. Interacve Voice Response (IVR) 3. Automated Meter Informaon (AMI) 4. Mesh communicaons network 5. Pre-Paid meters 6. Automac disconnects / reconnects (Auto Off/On) 7. Data Dashboards 2. IVR 3. AMI 4. Mesh 12. MDM 9. OMS 10. CAD 8. RT 6. Auto Off/On 11. ESB 7. Data Dash 5. Pre-Paid 13. CIS 14. ERP 7. Real Time (RT) payment centers 8. Outage Management System (OMS) 9. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) 10. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 11. Meter Data Management (MDM) 12. Customer Informaon System (CIS) 13. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Smart Grid Connecvity (Brilliant Grid) IN MYOPINION
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