| | Feb - 20188CIOReviewDATA LAKE: BUILDING A BRIDGE BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESSIs Data a Technology or a Business function? Reviewing trade-offs, such as "who owns the data?", "who can edit data in production?", or even "where should the CDO function reside", tend to look past a fundamental principal of the data industry. Effectively managing data is a two-way street. It is not solely Business, nor Technology. Data is an enterprise asset that exists where the handshake between business and technology occurs. Data Lakes and open source tools are erasing archaic frameworks used for decades in establishing policy, process, infrastructure, application design, controls, etc. Those who influence the "hearts and minds" of the organization to reset some of these effective, but outdated practices, will greatly accelerate the timeline to value from the data lake. Here are several decision points that may require a re-examination to increase momentum.Production EnvironmentA production environment, where the business operates to meet the needs of its customers, requires stability and controls to support the business function, for which it is designed. This level of stability will help support teams succeed in achieving required service level agreements.A data lake supporting analytics is an organic, iterative, environment supporting the testing of hypothesis. Once the hypothesis is proven, the "EUREKA" moment, that insight needs to be shared. Analysts can additionally bring their own data and mix it with the production data. The needs change on a daily basis. The process is not definable to the level required when designing a stable production application.Establishing self-service analytics with sandboxes in the production environment can help bridge between traditional production data environment and the organic data blending required to support analytics. Allow the analysts to load data into a dedicated workspace that can be joined to the production data in the data lake. Self-service capabilities allow for the capture, blending and sharing of information without running a software development project. Some mature organizations have implemented business driven schedules for implementing repeatable processes.By Shaun Rankin, SVP Data Management, Citizens Bank
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