8CIOReview | | DECEMBER 2022IN MY OPINIONBy Duncan Clubb, Senior Director, IT Consulting, Data Centre Solutions, CBREEDGE DATA CENTRES AND THE IMPACT OF 5GA new category of data centre is due to become a major sector within our industry--the Edge Data Centre--providing new opportunities for companies to develop and roll out a new class of application. There have been some "edge" data centres for many years in various areas such as content distribution (e.g. video streaming) and manufacturing, but significant growth is now expected due to new technologies like 5G and IoT.Edge data centres are needed for three key functions:- Storing data near to where it is going to be consumed, e.g. Netflix or Amazon Prime content being stored in content distribution networks near large centres of population. This reduces stress on the backbone of the network and improves downloading and streaming for viewers.- Putting processing power near where it's needed, reducing the latency or delay in response. This makes things like remote control possible as well as enabling technologies like Augmented Reality to run over mobile networks.- Filtering enormous amounts of data being generated by the (coming) proliferation of sensors and devices collectively known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Most of the data being generated will need to be intelligently filtered or processed to help prevent clogging of the main Internet backbone circuits.There is a lot of hype around 5G, much of which is either unjustified or premature. There are significant technical hurdles to overcome and the investment required in Duncan Clubb
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