2CIOReview | | DECEMBER - JANUARY is designed to get to the root cause of our disempowering behaviors as leaders, which are our disempowering beliefs! BlackWolf's core concept is that our beliefs (mindsets) drive our behaviors, and our behaviors are what drive results. TRANSFORMING LEADERS and ORGANIZATIONS"What makes CTLATM unique is the team experience and our acceleration as an intact team. I have not seen any other program anywhere in the world that serves as an intact team accelerator like CTLATM does." - VP & CFO, Global Emerging Markets"The benefit of an intact team going through CTLATM is having it become a shared experience. We gained a common language. We now speak to one another about values. We use the CTLATM language in our day-to-day and it has become part of the DNA of our team, even when members come and go." - Global People & Organization Business LeaderCopyright BlackWolf Consultants Inc. © 2014 ­ 2021· CTLATM is a 9 to 12-month immersive virtual learning and facilitated experience. The program is designed to take leaders and teams on an inward and outward journey through their beliefs and behaviors to empower their personal, interpersonal, team and organization leadership competences, in a step-by-step process building off each preceding module.· The program culminates with the creation and declaration of a Leadership Transformation Blueprint which is witnessed by all members of the CTLATM Cohort.· The flexible multimedia e-learning environment includes videos, worksheets, written summaries, resources, power practices and provocative inquiries that drive deep reflection.· This industry leading e-learning platform is supported with facilitated 1:1 Leadership Coaching sessions, small team Leadership Learning Groups (LLGs), and whole team virtual retreats throughout the program.What can you anticipate from CTLATM?Curious how to retain, cultivate and optimize effective team leadership? Do your leaders truly inspire and motivate?Do they empower and communicate with clarity?Are they curious?OPEN ENROLLMENT NOW AVAILABLECONNECT WITH US & TRANSFORMCONNECT WITH US:+1 303-999-0292 blackwolfconsultants.comBlackWolf's Collaborative and Transformational Leadership Acceleration (CTLATM) Program
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