I n f o c u s102622A NETWORK OF NETWORKS: THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT BANKINGGETTING TO KNOW YOUR DATA?Simone Del Guerra, Global Head of Financial Institutions Cash & Trade Sales, and Raphael Barisaac, Global Co-Head of Trade & Working Capital Solutions, UniCredit [BIT: UCG]Andy Wall, CSO, Office for National StatisticsAhmed Youssef, PhD Head of Data Science, smava GmbHCXO INSIGHTSCXO INSIGHTSLAST WORDArash Ghazanfari, Field CTO and Principal Technologist, Dell Technologies [NYSE: DELL]QUALITY IN QUANTITY ­ THE NEED FOR BETTER DATASECURING CORPORATE EXECUTIVES' CHERISHED MOBILE ASSET182030PERSONALIZATION DONE RIGHTColm Kincaid, Director of Securities and Markets Supervision, Central Bank of IrelandUmesh Yerram, Vice President of Information Security & Data Protection Officer at AmerisourceBergen [NYSE: ABC] 10 MOST PROMISINGSOLUTION PROVIDERS IN UK - 2020GDPR28 - 29PG
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