I n f o c u s102622A NETWORK OF NETWORKS: THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL CORRESPONDENT BANKINGGETTING TO KNOW YOUR DATA?Simone Del Guerra, Global Head of Financial Institutions Cash & Trade Sales, and Raphael Barisaac, Global Co-Head of Trade & Working Capital Solutions, UniCredit [BIT: UCG]Andy Wall, CSO, Office for National StatisticsAhmed Youssef, PhD Head of Data Science, smava GmbHCXO INSIGHTSCXO INSIGHTSLAST WORDArash Ghazanfari, Field CTO and Principal Technologist, Dell Technologies [NYSE: DELL]QUALITY IN QUANTITY THE NEED FOR BETTER DATASECURING CORPORATE EXECUTIVES' CHERISHED MOBILE ASSET182030PERSONALIZATION DONE RIGHTColm Kincaid, Director of Securities and Markets Supervision, Central Bank of IrelandUmesh Yerram, Vice President of Information Security & Data Protection Officer at AmerisourceBergen [NYSE: ABC] 10 MOST PROMISINGSOLUTION PROVIDERS IN UK - 2020GDPR28 - 29PG
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