| | DECEMBER 20208CIOReviewIN MY OPINIONAre any of these statements true for you? · I have never been a big fan of technology that simply captures the data that managers and employees enter and then spits out reporting solely intended to sway HR leaders. The technology must deliver more than that or I am not interested. · I can't get my managers and employees to enter data in our current tool.· My talent practices have moved from the traditional (performance management with ratings; talent planning with a 9 box) to more innovative practices (no ratings, more conversation; no 9-box focused on performance and potential). · My talent philosophies have changed. It's no longer just about the high potentials. It's about development for everybody in a Growth Mindset environment.If any of them are true, you may be having some of the same struggles I am having with technology vendors these days. When they come to visit me to "sell their wares", they show me tools that support a world of documented goals, ratings and year-end reviews; a talent planning process anchored in a performance and potential grid (9-box); and language and process that doesn't speak to innovative talent philosophies (like Growth Mindset) or recognize what neuroscience tells us about human interactions. And they usually walk about defeated, pissed off at me, or both. The talent world is changing... and fast. New research on what drives performance and engages employees is driving revolutionary changes in talent By Matt Schlabig, CIO, Worthington IndustriesHOW TO MAKE INTERESTING DATA VALUABLE?Matt Schlabig
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