| | DECEMBER 20205CIOReview24273134Digital Transformation Trends for Post COVID WorldTomasz Kurczyk, Chief Transformation & Digital Officer, AXAAt the Edge of Cloud: What does the Future Look Likefor Drilling Automation?Chief Technical Advisor & Halliburton Fellow (Well Engg.),HalliburtonUsing AWS to empower the next generation of graduatesMahesh Neelakanta, Director of Information Technology Services, University Libraries, Florida Atlantic UniversityReaping What You Sow from CloudComputing in Variable IndustriesEnrique Leon, Director, Cloud Services, American Sugar RefiningCXO INSIGHTSLAST WORD08 IN MY OPINIONAsset Data from theEdge to CloudRobert Bakelaar, IoT Solution Architect, Vopak [AMS: VPK] 10 MOST PROMISING COMPANIES - 2020AWSPg 16-32
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