| | DECEMBER 20199CIOReviewTECHNOLOGYENABLED LEARNINGmentors and superintendents who provided me opportunities to follow my passion and trusted me to help our school division chart the unknown digital waters. I have been willing to play the long-game. I realize revolutionizing a school system would not happen overnight but when I became CTO, I made it my mission to deliver this full potential to our students. As I look back at the Division's successes--from providing high school students laptops with home dial-up access in 2003 to providing one-to-one Chromebook access to every student from 3rd to 12th or ensuring our technology department is a trusted and available resource for anyone who needs support (student, teacher or administrator) - I recognize three principle concepts have truly mattered and have helped ensure my success. First, relationships matter. I started this journey because of my love and passion for the students. Today, they are critical consumers with incredibly tech savvy preferences. My relationship with our students, especially through our internship program and student-supported helpdesk, has helped inform our roadmap and has provided me with feedback and an "on-the-ground" perspective. Ultimately, it is our students who become our ambassadors. I have also worked closely to develop a trusted partnership with our staff. Our teacher focus groups are another valuable tool in our growth evolution. I want our teachers to be able to focus on their students and trust my team will be there to support their tech challenges and dreams. I have also worked to develop strong relationships with our parents. As technology evolves, having parent advisory committees, pilot groups and technical support has been critical to my success and the success of our programs. As a CTO, I know relationships build trust and that trust leads to patience when the unanticipated occurs. As anyone in the tech sector will tell you, in the world of change, we expect the unexpected! Secondly, plans matter. Thankfully the ubiquitous nature of technology did not happen overnight which is why our ACPS's Technology Plan has progressed through the years. Our first Technology Plan was written for the purpose of meeting a state requirement. It seemed like a necessity for compliance rather than an authentic guide to our work. However, over the years, we have approached our planning as the foundation for our work. I believe our current Technology Plan not only communicates our goals but inspires us and provides an opportunity to communicate with our community and highlight the work we do in the classroom. While I am extremely proud of our current plan, I believe it is a work that will constantly grow and evolve. But, having a plan that my team and I believe in and can clearly articulate, has kept our work aligned and has allowed us to align all of our work with the mission of our Division.Finally, reflection matters. Working in technology means that no year is the same. There are constant challenges with new tools, policies and security each year. Reflecting on what went well is as important as identifying the problems. This allows staff opportunities for celebration, recognition and revitalization. We all need staff that feels ready to block and tackle both the expected and unexpected on the horizon.I'm grateful to have a career I love in a school division that has provided me opportunities to professionally grow, take risks, and witness innovations in teaching and learning. I believe that relationships, planning and reflection are tenants of good teaching and also essential for successful CTOs. Elizabeth Riddle HooverThankfully the ubiquitous nature of technology did not happen overnight which is why our ACPS's Technology Plan has progressed through the years
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