| | DECEMBER 20198CIOReviewIN MY OPINIONBy Laurel Sykes, EVP & Chief Compliance & Risk Officer, American Riviera Bank [OTCMKTS: ARBV]Anyone who has worked in a highly regulated industry knows that being "compliant" hasn't always helped to improve your efficiency ratio, and after years of tacking on new processes to address multitudes of new requirements or regulations many companies find themselves with compliant, yet ineffective processes. While I admit that I'm of the school of thought that compliance is not something that can be completely automated, I've witnessed firsthand technology begin to transform how we used to think about compliance in the workplace. I first started in compliance for a local community bank in 1997. I was fortunate that computers were already "a thing" and I had software to ease the pain of regulatory reporting. Some banks I knew were still manually completing their loan application register on a pad of paper, which looked a little something like this: IMPORTANCE OF COMPLIANCE AND EFFECTIVE RISK MANAGEMENT
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