| | December 20184CIOReviewCONTENTSCXO INSIGHTSCIO INSIGHTS18222834ECM - Ease of Storage is the New ChallengeStuff Happens! So Buck Up And Deal With It.Disaster Recovery for Government Organizations ­ Planning, Practice, and PeopleLeveraging Digital Monitoring to Boost Physical Security EffortsDouglas Duncan, CIO, Columbia Insurance GroupPhil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive/CIO, Oakland County, MIJim Smith, CIO, State of MaineLawrence Mallory, Director, Physical Infrastructure Security, New York Power Authority16Move Toward Customized Solutions & Other 2016 Backup TrendsRidley Ruth, COO, Dropmysite255 Cloud Storage Predictions for 2018Madhan Kanagavel, Founder and CEO, FileCloud32Is Enterprise Storage Having a Netflix moment?Irshad Raihan, Senior Manager, Product Marketing, Red Hat
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