| | AUGUST 202219CIOReviewCXO INSIGHTSTHE EVER-EVOLVING CRM LANDSCAPE1. In your opinion, how has the CRM landscape evolved over the years? What are some of the advantages of the current technological evolution? · At Kmart, technology and data will deliver further improvements in customer experiences and strengthen our lowest-cost position. The changing data privacy environment driven by the introduction of App Transparent Tracking (ATT), the cookie-less world, expansion of IP and email masking are some of the areas that will require organisations to consider their approach in building and maintaining customer relationships. · We know customers are now more conscious and aware of what data they are prepared to share and have high expectations and transparency on how their data is being collected and used by organisations. With 90% of iPhones already on iOS 14, the ATT impact is real. Early opt in rates for App Tracking in Australia ranges between 10%-13% depending on category By Daniel Smith, Kmart Head of Digital Engagement, Kmart Australia Limited and app. Being transparent and having clear communications with our customers is so important - consider the value exchange when seeking data collection inputs and apply the right level of consent considerations, minimising the grey area. 2. What according to you are some of the challenges plaguing the CRM landscape and how can they be effectively mitigated? With a vast amount of 1st party data from service, marketing, ecommerce, social etc. Organisations needs to find a systematic way to ensure that data source, data organisation and data utilisation is built on a framework for effective decision making with purpose. Clarity of purpose is a key foundation for success. Asking the right questions such as what type of data critical, what data is should be used for insights vs action, how does the role of data use increase the level of customer engagement and overall business performance. · Another element is delivering a consistent customer experience. Covid has significantly increased the level of digital adoption across all industries. Within a retailing environment, the sense of connection and bridging the physical and ecommerce shopping environments are becoming more important than ever before. At Kmart, we believe that stores are no longer just a channel to sell products. For example, our team has developed several initiatives to streamline Kmart's omnichannel offering, which will significantly improve the customer experience through multiple touch points. These include: a new online platform, category expansion through online-only exclusives, real-time inventory management, and automation. We are investing in a multi-year program to transform the in-store customer experience and deliver operational efficiencies and even greater value for customers - our Connected Store experience reflects this commitment by building a digitally enabled in-store commerce that coverts store visits into an enjoyable, faster, and convenient shopping experience. For customers, they shop and engage us as one Kmart, any time they need us most. · Lastly, building a customer first approach across the enterprise is so critical in empowering teams to consider holistic customer touchpoints and understand where we can impact the most. Passion Daniel Smith
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