CIOReview | | 19 AUGUST 2022CXO INSIGHTS2. Data Architecture is Constantly Changing: Data is coming from multiple sources, which include relational, non-relational, images, web clicks, streaming data etc. It is tough to decide at the earlier stage what target data architecture will be beneficial, with early exploration efforts to analyze data impact the shape of solutions. Raw data becomes more refined as use cases are determined. Access to data becomes progressively less restricted as curated and business data structures are defined. Sandbox or proof-of-concept solutions can become operationalized.3. The Data Lake and the Data Warehouse are complementary: The data lake and the data warehouse are central players in the data storage area. Each is equally important, with complementary roles to play. It is exciting and vital to understand that after the Hadoop/HDFS Data and Data Strategy has always been the most important asset within the organization, but in the last ten years, with the advancement in cloud computing, data is significantly changing the behaviors of how we make decisions, how we do the shopping and decide our holidays or how organizations decide strategies. We have seen tremendous reliance on the data, and decisions highly depend on data, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence capabilities. The insights revealed are precious to the organization from a strategic to operational standpoint. Still, at the same time, it presents a challenge in how we store, process and visualize the various types, formats and frequency of data and how we adhere to governance, regulatory and legal requirements. Data Strategy ElementsSome of the core data strategy elements are Business Alignment, Data Gathering, Technology, Data Insights, Governance and People & process. These elements have not changed us in the past years, but they have evolved, and there is a considerable shift in how we design and build the data strategy as we move towards Cloud, Edge and Hybrid environments. We need to relook and think about designing our future data strategy in Cloud and Edge. Let us look into some of the shifts. 1. Multi-Platform Architectures: Any data can be acquired and stored within a modern data architecture. Analytics, Data Lake, and ML platforms are used, and data is distributed across platforms.FUTURE OF DATA STRATEGY IN CLOUDBy Faisal Hajazi, Global Head of CloudArchitecture & Strategy, British American Tobacco [NYSE:BTI] Faisal Hajazi
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