| | AUGUST 20216CIOReviewAs an integral part of the business world, data centers have always been the linchpin of IT processes with unparalleled influence over the functioning of multiple enterprise functions. Data centers have been aiding businesses in data backup, recovery, networking, website hosting, security, and even provide support for cloud storage applications and e-commerce transactions. In fact, data centers have played a crucial role in stopping the world's economy from potentially collapsing, and data centers are still buttressing business processes as remote working becomes the new norm.However, as the demand for data centers increases, service providers are seeking to reinvent their conventional delivery models by integrating emerging technologies. For instance, many service providers are switching to the software-defined data center (SDDC) service model, which utilizes virtualization technology to abstract processing hardware into software form. Instead of inefficiently allocating one server to each user, virtualization will enable providers to segment each server for multiple users, allowing greater scalability and flexibility for clients to distribute workloads. The SDDC model will practically allow both service providers and clients to boost their efficiencies, ensuring that computing resources aren't being underutilized.In this edition of CIOReview, we bring you the story of some of the most promising data center solution providers that deliver the best outcomes for their clients. This edition also offers a combination of thought leadership articles from subject matter experts and exclusive insights from CIOs and CXOs. We hope this edition will provide you with the right assistance in choosing the best data center solution provider according to your requirements.Let us know your thoughts!EditorialSoftware-Defined Data Centers are the New NormalCopyright © 2021 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher August - 14 - 2021, Vol 10, Issue - 48 (ISSN 2644-237X) Published by ValleyMedia, Inc.To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit CIOReviewVisualizersIssac GeorgeJaxon Jase*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffJustin Smith Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comManaging EditorJustin SmithSalesStephen Editorial StaffAaron PierceCarolynn WaltersShirley FaithRussell ThomasDean Winchester
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