| | August 20168CIOReviewThe present day cyber warfare requires more than implementing an automated cyber risk management platform. The changing threat landscape requires organizations to rope in and balance two more critical factors--people and processes--alongside technology. Though technology is at the helm of the trifecta, the need of the hour is an inclusive and integrated effort in utilizing people, and building processes to fight cybercrime. The focus should be on implementing appropriate controls on the insiders who are custodians of specific data and imparting employee training, while retaining the cyber initiative's ownership within the organization. The efficiency of a successful cyber security plan correlating with an organization's security goals, however requires uniquely tailored security strategies bolstered by intelligence.The right insights or intelligence derived from the numerous data sources can be instrumental to chart plans that anticipate and proactively tackle the adversary better. Ascertaining the loopholes through the eyes of the perpetrator will necessitate a retake on endpoint security and the strategies to scale and quickly beat the hacker in his own game. While assuring advanced endpoint protection, in addition to crowdsourcing threat intelligence, the shift over to secure and fortified cloud services and embedded chip-security is in the right direction toward enhancing security initiatives. With new age machines automatically and continually deciphering anomalies in the network in real-time, and artificial intelligence, behavioral analytics and machine learning technologies reinforcing the firewall, proactive security measures can forestall a threat in its tracks with minimum human intervention.Though big or small, the vulnerability quotient for a cyber breach remains the same for all enterprises across sectors. Success in this arena is a product of a plethora of lessons learnt, and the numerous failures which can be studied upon to reveal added security features that can anchor a robust cyber security portfolio. Leafing through these pages will keep you abreast of the trends, as the articles attest the key to future proof your valuable assets and secure the cyber landscape.Jeevan George Managing Editoreditor@cioreview.comEditorialRising to the Cyber ChallengeCopyright © 2016 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewAUGUST - 22 - 2016Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 August - 22 - 2016, Vol 05 SE 64 Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit www.cioreview.com Cyber Security SpecialCIOReviewEditorial StaffSalesT: 510.556.2284Ava GarciaChithra VijayakumarDerek JamesEva BrownJudy ChristinShirley FaithAlena D'souzaalena@cioreview.comVisualizersJudith BrownArpita GhoshManaging EditorJeevan George
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