| | April 20178CIOReviewBig Data Retires Your Data Storage Infrastructure So Now What?By Shahbaz Ali, President and CEO, TarminBig data is flooding organizations while the industry scrambles to get grips with the new data-driven economy and what that means for businesses. This ac-celerated data growth phenomenon has put or-ganizations of every size, industry and location in a state of transformation, one in which the implications of this data growth continues to unfold around us. This pervasive trend is here to stay, it's time to get ahead of the curve. Technology advancements are driving the variety and velocity of data to increase, while current data storage and management solutions are struggling to keep pace with growing volumes. Most organizations have storage architectures based on decade-old infrastructures and technology, retrofitted with a handful of modern components and marketed as next-generation. In reality, these solutions are packed with complexities, bottlenecks, expensive upgrades and the inherent need for over provisioning. Tried-and-True Will No Longer Do--Move Past Traditional Storage ArchitectureEverything we've come to know about generating, storing, and managing data has been flipped on its head within the last few years. Strategies and data management practices that worked for decades are showing signs of failure while putting organizations at risk--and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Fortunately, there's a better way, a data centric approach to data management. This approach focuses on data-centricity, drawing actionable insights from data itself, and In MyOpinionShahbaz Ali
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