| | September 20158CIOReviewTechnology is impacting virtually every aspect of business and industry in the world. The Sports and Entertainment industry is being dramatically impacted by the opportunities that today's technology presents to dramatically improve the fan experience and create a deeper level of personal engagement with our constituents.The USTA a not-for-profit organization, is the governing body for tennis in America. Our mission is to develop and promote the growth of tennis. Most people know us as the folks that run the US Open which is the highest attended annual sporting event in the world.One of our most important goals is to create a more personalized level of engagement with our members and fans. We are looking at ways to leverage data to help us understand who our audience is, what content most resonates with them, and how we can personalize their experience in engaging with us to ensure that we create the opportunity to be the `one stop' for their tennis experience. This requires both a comprehensive approach to gather and analyze big data, as well as the need to integrate what have historically been `islands of data' into a comprehensive and holistic view of who our member/fan is and what content resonates with him/her. We are creating the ability for your players and their parents Boosting Fan Engagement for Personalized Experience By Larry Bonfante, CIO, United States Tennis AssociationIn MyOpinionLarry Bonfante
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