| | September 201519CIOReviewThe current era has seen integration of technologies within the sports arena to enhance the quality of de-cision making that ultimately affects the result. When integrated within the work process of organizing, technology can em-power athletic directors, assigners, and of-ficials to better execute and manage every aspect of their responsibilities. "Organ-izing and hosting sports events can be a complex task, from scheduling matches to assigning and paying the officials. A minor mistake in the entire workflow can dam-age organizer's reputation and credibility," says Jeff Triplette, CEO, ArbiterSports. Easing the entire process of managing sports events is Sandy, UT based Arbiter-Sports, which deliver solutions for organ-izing events as well as payment options for officials.ArbiterSports uses its powerful web-based platform to provide secure access to its solutions anywhere through internet enabled devices. The platform empowers schools, sports clubs, and athletic depart-ments with all the support and customiza-tion needed for implementation of plat-form. The company's range of products includes ArbiterGame--a scheduling and logistics solution for athletic directors, officials, and coordinators. Athletic direc-tors can manage a working schedule that is kept private, until marked public, which is then published for fans, students, and parents. With ArbiterGame, all game details like team rosters, match officials, venue, and time can be entered, which is also vis-ible to opposing teams, managers, players, and the media. "ArbiterGame schedules all the aspects of your game, preventing scheduling conflicts through a systematic flow of processes by highlighting impor-tant areas of concern," adds Triplette. Add-ing to the assigning capabilities, the firm developed ArbiterOne, a complete solution to assign matches officials from an entire database of officials for easier communica-tion. ArbiterOne also generates match re-ports, highlighting all the important match events.Paying the match officials is a compli-cated task and can take several days to cal-culate and provide the check. Catering to this very need is ArbiterPay. The officials are assigned to a game using ArbiterGame, and with ArbiterPay they can be paid elec-tronically, taking care of the state and fed-eral tax reporting. "The state and federal compliance built into the system automati-cally generates the 1099-S form, easing taxation filing for officials," adds Triplette. Empowering organizations with a uni-form platform for checking the skill and eligibility of officials, ArbiterSports' Ar-biterWorks builds an online portal where officials can register with an organization for training and educational tools. Arbi-terWorks creates a single communication platform for athletic directors to stay in contact with officials, distributing news, announcements, and documents. It allows sports departments to keep a track of their officials' eligibility and preparedness for match day. For officials, ArbiterWorks' searchable rules database gives online ac-cess to rulebooks. ArbiterSports has been serving clients from various spaces like National Govern-ing Councils, Schools, and College athletic departments and maintains a strong sense of relevancy with their business partners. The firm helped Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA) in expand-ing their capability to organize more school sporting events. LHSAA used online ref-eree management to assign football offi-cials across the state. The local assigners in Louisiana used ArbiterOne to assign and evaluate the match officials, and utilized Arbiter360 to monitor and provide feed-back for improving the quality of officiat-ing. "ArbiterSports streamlines the entire process of managing and organizing sports events, delivering required feedback to every concerned official and department," added Triplette.The firm recently announced the availability of its assigning application on mobile platform--ArbiterConnected. Being able to provide a competitive edge to its client, ArbiterSports has drastically changed the entire process of organizing sports events, giving organizations visibil-ity like never before. ArbiterSportsComplete Sport Events Management SolutionThe state and federal compliance built into the system automatically generates the 1099-S form, easing taxation filing for officialsJeff Triplette
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