| | October 20154CIOReviewContentsCIO Insights17583162Information Technology Agility Connecting MillionsMujib Lodhi,CIO,Washington Suburban Sanitary CommissionMastering Technology Selection for Competitive AdvantageRob Meilen,VP & CIO,Hunter Douglas08In My OpinionTechnology Innovation: Pathway to a Utility's EvolutionGary Hayes,CIO,CenterPoint EnergyIs Your IT Department Good,Great, or Not Any Good? Jerry Sullivan,CIO & VP, IT,OUC Mine Data based on Business and Consumer NeedsStuart Kippelman, SVP & CIO,Covanta Energy Corporation16362746224030541939285249244433573460AmerescoEnergyIQCloud Energy SoftwareOATI Aquilon Energy Services, Inc.FirstFuel SoftwareCopperleaf TechnologiesStibo SystemsAppCentrica, Inc.EnerNOC ComvergePower Systems OperationsOSIsoftC3 EnergyNexantDevonWayTrilliantEnertia SoftwareWattzOn47Hey! You! Get off of my Cloud!Paul Krueger,CIO,Stewart & Stevenson | | October 20155CIOReview2025Experiences That Have You Looking Up Toward the "Cloud"Jay Stauffer,Director of IT,The Brock GroupCXO Insights42553750A Smarter Power Grid Enabled by Data and Virtualization to Minimize Silos and Enhance ValueDoug Dorr,Program Manager, Information & Communication Technology,EPRI SCADA Attacks on Industrial Systems A Real Security ThreatBy Patrick Sweeney, Executive director, Dell SecurityTop 6 Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Trends in Electric PowerKarl Popham, Manager of Emerging Technologies & Electric Vehicles,Austin EnergyThe Cloud:a New Threat or an Opportunity for Improving Cyber Security?Clif Triplett,Managing Partner, SteelPointe PartnersA New Domain: Managing Technology Risks in a Dangerous WorldDavid Batz,Director,Cyber & Infrastructure Security, Edison Electric Institute*All Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffCover Story10Panton Inc:Embodying Technological Innovation for Energy CompaniesYong Chen, CIO
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