| | October 20154CIOReviewContentsCIO Insights17583162Information Technology Agility Connecting MillionsMujib Lodhi,CIO,Washington Suburban Sanitary CommissionMastering Technology Selection for Competitive AdvantageRob Meilen,VP & CIO,Hunter Douglas08In My OpinionTechnology Innovation: Pathway to a Utility's EvolutionGary Hayes,CIO,CenterPoint EnergyIs Your IT Department Good,Great, or Not Any Good? Jerry Sullivan,CIO & VP, IT,OUC Mine Data based on Business and Consumer NeedsStuart Kippelman, SVP & CIO,Covanta Energy Corporation16362746224030541939285249244433573460AmerescoEnergyIQCloud Energy SoftwareOATI Aquilon Energy Services, Inc.FirstFuel SoftwareCopperleaf TechnologiesStibo SystemsAppCentrica, Inc.EnerNOC ComvergePower Systems OperationsOSIsoftC3 EnergyNexantDevonWayTrilliantEnertia SoftwareWattzOn47Hey! You! Get off of my Cloud!Paul Krueger,CIO,Stewart & Stevenson | | October 20155CIOReview2025Experiences That Have You Looking Up Toward the "Cloud"Jay Stauffer,Director of IT,The Brock GroupCXO Insights42553750A Smarter Power Grid ­ Enabled by Data and Virtualization to Minimize Silos and Enhance ValueDoug Dorr,Program Manager, Information & Communication Technology,EPRI SCADA Attacks on Industrial Systems ­ A Real Security ThreatBy Patrick Sweeney, Executive director, Dell SecurityTop 6 Emerging Technologies and Disruptive Trends in Electric PowerKarl Popham, Manager of Emerging Technologies & Electric Vehicles,Austin EnergyThe Cloud:a New Threat or an Opportunity for Improving Cyber Security?Clif Triplett,Managing Partner, SteelPointe PartnersA New Domain: Managing Technology Risks in a Dangerous WorldDavid Batz,Director,Cyber & Infrastructure Security, Edison Electric Institute*All Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffCover Story10Panton Inc:Embodying Technological Innovation for Energy CompaniesYong Chen, CIO
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