| | November 20146CIOReviewOver the years, the networking giant, Cisco has built its leadership position in the enterprise router and switches markets. Additionally, the plethora of hardware products such as blade servers, IP phones, Wi-Fi access points and video conferencing systems that Cisco has either built or acquired, have helped it defend its turf by providing enterprises with end-to-end connectivity solutions. Given its long-time core competency around selling hardware, Cisco now wants to win the race and dominate the software-defined networking market. It understands Software-defined networking will revolutionize the router and switch business and may well be the future of the network. Cisco has carefully charted its plan to promote its SDN platform as it takes on rivals such as VMware, which is hoping to disrupt the enterprise market by using software to reduce dependence on proprietary Cisco hardware. Unlike its competitors, Cisco's SDN approach is to make applications the center of all network-related decisions, allowing the data center to dynamically match resources with the needs of applications rather than the other way around. A key component of this Application Centric Infrastructure SDN offering is Cisco's new software-based controller the API Controller, which is the central network automation software. By bundling its existing products with SDN as the central theme, Cisco is not only looking to simplify the buying process for customers, but also pushing its ONE software-defined networking platform to the fore. This way, it is looking to drive talks with enterprises in a direction where its hardware products would not lose relevance in a new, SDN-dominated world. We need to note that organizations are still trying to figure out their SDN strategy as it is still early in the game. Cisco is bringing programmability and automation to networking on a scale well beyond what its competitors define as SDN. It has garnered pretty impressive adoption in a short time. Will Cisco's masterplan to crush VMware and win the SDN battle work? Do send us your thoughts. Thanks Pradeep ShankarEditor-in-Chiefeditor@cioreview.comEditorialCopyright © 2014 CIOReview, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewNOVEMBER 28 - 2014CIOReview's circulation is audited and certified by BPA International (Audit Pending). Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 November 28 - 2014, volume SE 26 Published by CIOReview To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit www.cioreview.com Editor-in-Chief Pradeep ShankarEditorial StaffSalesT:510. 565. 7559VisualizersSukirti AgnihotriStephen ThomasCISCO SPECIALCIOReviewSDN: The Cisco approach Alex D'souzaJade RayJoshua Parker Laura PintoMatthew JacobShirley FaithShashikanth PeetlaSonia SacharCharles Mathewcharles@cioreview.com Immaculate D'souzaimmaculate@cioreview.comPeter Jonespeter@cioreview.com
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