| | May 20158CIOReviewopinionin myAs the Chief Security Officer of a human capital manage-ment technology and ser-vices provider, I understand very clearly that innovation and technology development are the life blood of our success and operational sus-tainability. From advanced products that simplify processes for clients, to critical tools that ensure implementation success and a great client experience, technology has changed the way we deliver, op-erate and manage our business.Innovations in the security in-dustry enable us to advance our cy-ber, risk, and privacy capabilities which create opportunities for our business that otherwise may not be possible because of critical se-curity con-cerns. Advancements in threat management, security intelli-gence, transaction surveillance, and analytics have catapulted our capabilities exponentially in recent years. The greatest advancements that technology has afforded us fall into the areas of global defense, consumer capabilities, and fraud prevention. From a global defense perspective, advance-ments in security intelligence platforms including data aggrega-tion, advanced analytics, and data management has enabled us to create an ecosystem of interconnected security technologies that allow us to extend our defensive and response capabilities into existing and new geographies. This centralized technology services model allows our business to enter new markets confidently and reduces the total cost of security while ensuring consistency of service delivery and sustainability of con-trols compliance. These mass data intel-ligence aggregation platforms also help create a clearer picture of active threat and security How New Technologies Have Brought a Change in Your IndustryBy Roland Cloutier, VP, CSO, ADP [NASDAQ:ADP]
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