| | May 20156CIOReviewCopyright © 2015 CIOReview, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.CIOReviewMAY 20 - 2015CIOReview's circulation is audited and certified by BPA International (Audit Pending). Mailing AddressCIOReview44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.402.1463, F:510-894-8405 MAY 20 - 2015, Volume 4 SE 37 Published by CIOReview To subscribe to CIOReviewVisit www.cioreview.com Editor-in-Chief Pradeep ShankarEditorial StaffSalesAishwarya Kannan Aron Peter Jade RayMathew JacobAlex D' Souza Derek James Joe Philip Sonia SacharT:510.565.7559 VisualizersStephen ThomasK.Manoj kumar BYOD SPECIALCIOReviewSarah Mathew sarah.mathew@cioreview.com Michael Adam michael.adam@cioreview.com Justin Smith justin@cioreview.com Stephen Thomasstephen.thomas@cioreview.com Benny ThomasBenny@cioreview.comFrom records and information management to employee retention and privacy, BYOD is bound to significantly alter the way businesses operate. With a major business transformation brewing in the enterprises today, mobile technologies, business velocity, as well as geographically dispersed and multi-generational workforces are converging to deliver the promise of responsive organizations. BYOD has now become the "new norm" for business, with many adopting an "anything-goes" approach. However, many businesses are yet to completely figure out how to capitalize on BYOD without exposing themselves to undue risk. As device boundaries collapse and changes in working practice accelerate, access to key business services and data securely from anywhere--on mobile, wearable and fixed devices--is critical to businesses. A successful BYOD program can increase overall revenue by boosting IT and help desk productivity, improving line-of-business process efficiencies, reducing expenses for corporate-liable device and data services, facilitating employee collaboration, and enhancing customer support. BYOD programs that successfully address security concerns can unlock competitive advantage and build a solid base for future business tech innovation.Further, wearable technologies will have a big impact on the future workplace and the BYOD strategies. These devices may not have a robust presence in businesses today, but that might change tomorrow. The truth is that users don't yet know which devices will find their way onto corporate networks. However, people are embracing new technologies at a rate that is outpacing the ability of enterprises to secure it. On that note, we present to you the special edition on BYOD technology. We are featuring 20 most promising BYOD Solution Providers, listing the best vendors and consultants who provide key technology solutions and services related to BYOD program. We hope this will help customers in the BYOD industry to optimize their technology investments and deploy new capabilities.Pradeep Shankar Editor-in-Chief editor@cioreview.comBYOD: The New Norm of Future Workplace EditorialManaging EditorJeevan George
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