| | March 201519CIOReviewEric Schimdt, executive chairman of Google commented, "Between the birth of the world and 2003, there were five exabytes of information created. We now create five exabytes every two days. See why it's so painful to operate in information markets? Another revolution taking roots in this information age is the way we work and live. This disruption is led by cutting-edge technologies that are rapidly reshaping the world around us in every possible way. Google is at the forefront of this disruptive change with its core mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. The workplace of the future will be less centralized, highly mobile, very flexible, and will have a workforce that is habituated to use disruptive technologies. The collaborative consumption model for human capital has never been so much in demand and the need to effectively store, compute, search, collaborate, consume, and visualize digital content is ever more pressing for the enterprises. The ecosystem of Google technologies, which deeply touch our consumer lives in the form of Search, Gmail, Maps, Android, and Browser, is uniquely positioned to transform the enterprises with similar experiences and outcomes. Let's examine how "Google for Work" suite for enterprises is leveraging its consumer-first technologies, built on world-class cloud infrastructure, to meet the stated needs.Store: enterprises are inundated with both structured and unstructured content aka big data, which requires special handling to store and analyze. Enterprises are dumping traditional databases in favor of cloud storage and analytic tools with the ability to handle data from multiple sources from within an enterprise and outside of it--user generated content on social media sites. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with cloud storage provides dirt cheap, anytime and anywhere access to information to its employees and partners. New ways of exchanging information amongst the business partners are emerging because of this. BiqQuery, another important component of GCP, helps in analyzing big data for real-time insights with superfast speeds, multi-terabyte datasets in seconds.Compute: Compute power on the other hand can be used for innovation rather than just cost saving. Massive scalability and up-or-down elasticity gives businesses a whole new sandbox for testing new business ideas and growing them exponentially. Furthermore, Google provides a managed platform to develop and deploy the business logic, shielding from the complexity of underlying infrastructure thereby shifting the focus on core business. Enterprises such as Screenz use GCP to revolutionize the TV viewing experience by converting ordinary programs to live interactive events. Screenz was able to process huge numbers of votes, 100+ million interactions per minute, required for its TV show "Rising Star". Movie studios use cloud platform to create visual effects very quickly and extremely cost effectively. Visual effects in the movie "Avataar" that took huge supercomputer-class systems hours to render just one single frame can now be rendered with much lower compute, capacity, and investment. Monte Carlo simulations for mathematical computation, gene analysis in life sciences industry, all require massive bursts in compute and are The Ecosystem of Google TechnologiesBy Sumit Baluja, Vice President, Tech MahindraCXO INSIGHT
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