| | jULY 20149CIOReviewrange of mobile devices without additional custom development. Innovate Every Day and "Social BPO"Few things are more certain to slow the pace of innovation than having to wait for the next software release cycle. Innovation must be iterative and ongoing in a user-centric organization. Interface changes or business-logic updates must be accomplished in hours or days, not weeks or months. Tools like Dynamics CRM are easy to learn, thereby giving business users a hands-on engagement in building business applications, or themselves implementing new ideas. The culture of innovation within the organization drives motivation especially within next generation workforce.Importantly, the pace at which technological advancements are incorporated in the platform itself will influence how future capabilities are available to users of the applications built on the platform. Tools like Dynamics, Azure (Microsoft Cloud), and O365 have significant R&D commitment so they continuously bring future innovation to users. Convergence of line of business applications with tools like Share Point, email, IM drive productivity and organizational change. In a typical case management process, adjudicators often need to consult on eligibility questions and create escalations. This creates unpredictable delay in case resolution. A "social" Business Process Operations (BPO) leverages the convergence of eligibility workflow and collaboration tools such as Lync, Yammer, or Share Point for real-time problem solving.Dealing Big DataAgency's core mission depends on the reliability and speed at which you can share and analyze data from many sources. Even more important is to "democratize analytics" by making powerful analytics tools, (i.e. Azure HDInsight to deploy and provision Hadoop clusters in the cloud or Power BI for Office 365 to analyze and visualize data), affordable, scalable, and widely accessible to business users. You'll have to harness Big Data to create mission specific decision technologies. Higher-quality decision making based on deeper insight into data leads to proactive response to risks and opportunities. Assimilating data from external sources and correlating it with internal databases gives programs systematic visibility into external factors that impact their mission. Threats to a program's mission aren't static. Predictive analysis systematically looks for trends and anomalies within internal and external data including contextual information that draws relevance from social data. Azure Machine Learning, a cloud service for implementing predictive analytics, leverages advanced algorithms and the nearly unlimited scale of cloud storage and compute to teach computers to use historical data to predict future behavior. Even when we have "connected the dots", we often lack a reliably systematic response management and decision making capacity. Therefore risk mitigation and accountability depends on making data insights actionable through convergence with Dynamic CRM work flows that trigger reliable response management and data sharing across multiple wings of the Government and military for reliable and fact based decision making. Cloud and On-Premises ArchitectureSolutions will operate in the cloud to optimize cost and improve reliability. Differing business needs mean a single cloud strategy won't be applicable to all programs. Some applications won't be deployable on a public or government cloud, while others might leverage only certain cloud capabilities. System Center provides multiple cloud-enabled developments and service-delivery models that take into account each program's unique security and operating requirements. It also provides the flexibility to deploy solutions across multiple types of cloud infrastructures (private cloud, government community cloud and public cloud) as security constrains and technology evolves. Azure provides infrastructure, platform, and software services that enable rapid deployment of services at scale and can also support federation between cloud environments. For example, Azure Active Directory (AD) provides an identity federation solution that supports on-premises AD as well as public and government clouds from Microsoft and other companies.SummarySolutions that natively integrate workflow, collaboration, and analytics tools; offer secure cloud deployment options; and bring data processing to mobile devices have the potential to drive disruptive operating models.Platform Convergence, Analytics, and Mobility Drives Disruptive Business Models in GovernmentSolutions that natively integrate workflow, collaboration, and analytics tools; offer secure cloud deployment options
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