| | August 20158CIOReviewopinionin myultinational enterprises across all vertical sectors share five basic objectives: increase productivity; operate more efficiently; reduce costs; accelerate time to market; and strengthen profitability.To help achieve these objectives, more and more enterprises are using cloud services.IT executives understand the performance of enterprise applicationsis only as good as the performance of the network that connects the enterprise to the cloud.Consequently, theywant a cloud-networking solution that is ultra-reliable, highly-secure, scalable, predictable and controllable. The network's architecture must By James Karim, SVP Engineering, GTTA Network Built to Deliver Enterprise Success inMThe Cloudbe sufficiently robust and scalable to deliver the capacity theorganization needs, when and where it needs it.The Advantages of an all-Juniper NetworkWith these requirements in mind, we built the GTT network, with its architecture based on Ethernet and MPLS-based IP-VPNs,to deliver precisely what our enterprise clients want. For the core network, we chose to deploy the Juniper Networks MX Series routers, on which we terminate all of the aggregated 10G and 100G leased-fiber links in the GTT network. Our all-Juniper IP/MPLS core network delivers significant advantages to our clients, beginning with visibility into and control over the network's performance. As a result, our clients and their users, along with cloud-service providers,obtain the highest-possible performance of their mission-critical applications and services.High-Density Routing and Switching - One of the primary advantages of the Juniper platform is its extremely dense, high-performance routing and switching capacity, with a single chassis unit featuring both 1-Gbps and 10-Gbps ports. Because of that density, we can minimize the number of routers we need todeploy in each co-location and GTT point of presence (PoP). The Juniper platform delivers additional benefits in terms of cost efficiencies; the platform's small footprint reduces our requirements for physicalspace, power and heating/cooling in each of our locations.High Performance- Juniper's Junos operating systemenables the GTT network to provide superior optimization and routing performance for each of our enterprise clients.With its ability to handle packets much more efficiently and at higher capacities than other platforms, Junos is a reliable, high-performance and very scalable network operating system for routing, switching and security.
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